Смєнова Л. Термінологізація та ретермінологізація дієслів на позначення дій, процесів у сфері комп’ютерних технологій // Spheres of Culture. – Lublin, 2018. – Volume XVІІ. – С. 265-274., Abstract: The article deals with the terminologization and reterminologization of verbs, with the meaning of the process in the sphere of computer technologєs. In particular, the, mechanisms, peculiaritєs, causes of rethinking of lexical meaning, which lead to the term formation on the basis of generale usage; the conditions of reterminologization, when a term is transformed from one fєld to another with the full or partial rethinking of its semantics are outlined. Changes within the semantic structure of the word under the, above mentioned two types of lexical semantical word formation are observed.
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